Credit and Debit cards:
We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express cards. Cards must be enabled for recurring e-commerce transactions to work with Catalyst.
Prepaid Cards:
If you have a prepaid card with a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express logo, you can enter your card’s information on our payment page. If the bank that issued the card approves our authorisation request, we will accept this card for payment.
How do I resolve payment problems?
If there is a problem with your payment method, your access to the service may be disrupted. To resolve the issue, sign in to your account and update or change your payment method. In most cases, this will resolve the issue. If you’re still having trouble updating your account with new payment information, please try a different payment method, or contact your financial institution to ensure your payment information is up to date and supports e-commerce transactions. If you have confirmed that your payment method is listed under ‘How can I pay for Catalyst?’ above, and your payment method is still not being accepted, contact us for further assistance.