Subscription Plans

Our subscription plans make it easier to start and scale with Trimble Access.

  • Affordable - Lower upfront costs

  • Flexible - Built around your needs

  • Up-to-date - Benefit from enhancements

  • Subscription choice

    Offerings positioned to suit your workflows.

  • Latest releases

    Your license is always current so you can utilise the latest enhancements and updates. Includes Trimble Maps WMS service.
  • Flexible terms

    Buy annually to fit your needs.

  • Online license management

    Account administrators can assign and remove users.

  • Trimble ID Account

    Each user has their own unique Trimble Identity account, and each account has its own Trimble Access seat.
  • Cloud hosting

    Use your license online or offline without needing to connect to a license server or plugin in a dongle.

Choose your subscription plan


GNSS only

Survey field software for support of survey workflows with GNSS Receivers only.

  • Support for GNSS Receiver based workflows in surveying
  • Feature coding, including measure codes for repetitive tasks
  • Graphical COGO routines for calculating points and features
  • Graphical staking of points, lines, arcs, and alignments
  • Use Trimble Maps to easily identify key features near a survey mark

General survey

Survey field software for support of survey workflows with GNSS Receivers and Optical Instruments.

  • Feature coding, including measure codes for repetitive tasks
  • Graphical COGO routines for calculating points and features
  • Graphical staking of points, lines, arcs, and alignments
  • Topo surveys and scan data
  • Continuous display of maps or video and forms side by side
  • Use Trimble Maps to easily identify key features near a survey mark
  • Integrated Surveying technology combining optical, scanning, and GNSS data, plus images, in the same job

Perpetual license options

In addition to subscription plans, perpetual licensing options are also available for Trimble Access. Please contact us.

Choose your applications

The Trimble Access software suite provides surveyors and geospatial professionals with a variety of specialised field applications designed to streamline fieldwork. Enhance your competitive edge by choosing the applications that best align with your specific needs.


Define, survey, and report your road with a simplified easy to use graphical interface specific to standard roading operations.

Collect pipe attribute data, record joint relationships, and link survey data electronically for verification at every step in the process.

Survey and report on mine operations with workflows for specific tasks such as auto staking lines and positioning drilling rigs within a mine.

Define, survey, stakeout, and report on tunnel operations in an easy-to-use interface for tasks such as marking areas of underbreak and overbreak, and positioning machinery.

Set up, monitor and report on regular control and deformation surveys. The workflow is streamlined for regular, but not necessarily continuous, control and deformation surveys.


Subscriptions are for 1 year term periods. At the end of the year, the subscription can be renewed with your local Trimble Geospatial Distribution Partner.

In order to purchase one of the specialised Trimble Access software application subscriptions (such as Roads), you must first have purchased a Trimble Access General Survey subscription.

If you are interested in migrating to the Trimble Access subscription option from a current perpetual license, contact your local Trimble Geospatial Distribution Partner to identify the best configuration of plan(s) and seat(s) for your needs.

At this time, you cannot mix license types. You need to match your application license types (i.e. subscription General Survey + subscription Roads, or perpetual General Survey + perpetual Roads)