Mobile Mapping – Vehicle-mounted mapping systems for large-scale mapping projects. Trimble’s vehicle-mounted mobile reality capture systems seamlessly merge georeferencing technologies with precise, high-speed laser scanning and high-resolution imaging sensors.

This enables rapid collection of vast amounts of accurate, georeferenced spatial data, which can then be transformed into 3D models, maps, GIS deliverables, and beyond.

Mobile Mapping

Vehicle-mounted mapping systems for large-scale mapping projects.

Trimble’s premium vehicle-mounted mobile spatial imaging systems integrate our industry leading geo-referencing technologies with very precise, high-speed laser scanning and high-resolution imaging sensors so you can rapidly collect enormous amounts of highly accurate, geo-referenced spatial data and transform it into information-rich 3D models.


Opt for Trimble office software that suits your requirements, offering user-friendly interfaces and advanced data processing capabilities. This choice enables efficient collection, management, and analysis of mobile mapping data.

Learn more about software solutions.

Mobile Mapping Software


Trimble MX90

For large-scale scanning and mapping missions
Mbile Mapping with Trimble MX90

Trimble MX50

Mobile scanning and imaging for asset management and road maintenance
Trimble MX50

Trimble MX7

Mobile imaging for asset management
Trimble MX7


These Trimble solutions are perfect for projects necessitating extensive data capture. Trimble MX systems dramatically decrease data capture time compared to conventional survey methods while enhancing worker safety by minimising the requirement for field crews to operate near or on roadways. By amalgamating top-tier LiDAR and imagery technology with intelligent workflows, mobile mapping introduces a plethora of fresh opportunities for geospatial professionals.

Trimble MX systems offer a range of form factors, data outputs and data collection workflows. When choosing the right system for you, consider the project environment, accuracy requirements and deliverables to be produced. Whatever your project or budget, Trimble mobile mapping solutions give you a choice to meet your needs.

Your local Trimble Distribution Partner can help you evaluate which system is best for you.

— View Trimble Mobile Mapping Product Comparison Brochure

Trimble MX Publisher allows you to share your data across your organisation and give stakeholders access via web browser. Data can be located on an internal company server and shared with stakeholders that you define with account roles and permissions.

Mobile mapping data can be combined with other survey data (GNSS, total station, UAV, terrestrial scanner, etc.) within Trimble Business Center (TBC) software, with a full range of QA/QC, processing and final deliverable creation tools.

At Trimble, our emphasis lies in providing seamless field-to-office workflows that are universally compatible across all Trimble MX systems and fully integrated into the Trimble software ecosystem.

You can efficiently process the mapping data within Trimble Business Center (TBC) and extract valuable information, sharing your deliverables online via Trimble MX (TMX) software.

Reach out and talk with our experts today. We understand your local industry needs to recommend the Trimble products best suited to your applications. We can also provide product demonstrations, expert training, and ongoing maintenance and support.