Trimble precise positioning for everything

Match Made for Performance

All newly purchased Trimble® R980, R12i, R780, R580, and R750 GNSS receivers come with an activated Trimble RTX subscription for the first 12 months. Annual renewal options will be available for ongoing access.

(Active from 1 April, 2024)


Trimble GNSS correction services have you covered.

Trimble delivers high-precision positioning solutions globally. We offer a broad selection of GNSS-based correction services accessible to all, simplifying the complexity and cost of achieving high-accuracy GNSS. Count on reliable performance, user-friendly products, and unparalleled accuracy.

Trimble Positioning Services Video

Benefits and performance

CenterPoint RTX is a valuable addition to your surveying toolset, broadening your GNSS correction method options and allowing you to select the best solution for each job.

True Mobility for Enhanced Productivity

This solution offers true mobility, boosting productivity, simplifying your workflow, and reducing operating costs when used as a primary correction method for precise surveying.

Complement Traditional RTK Methods

Maintain centimeter-level precision with this solution, serving as positioning insurance and providing a reliable backup correction during RTK connectivity disruptions.

Always on point


CenterPoint RTX correction service – activated and ready when you are.

Key specifications

Facilitate untethered surveying to simplify your workflow and enhance productivity.

  • High accuracy 2 cm (H)/3 cm (V) (RMS)

  • Interoperable with RTK Works in your local coordinate system

  • Global service Via satellite and/or internet

Match made for performance

Trimble R980 Studio Shot


Trimble R980

The top-tier GNSS solution designed to enhance productivity for surveyors.

Trimble R12i Studio Shot


Trimble R12i

Unrivalled GNSS performance to boost survey productivity.

Trimble R780 Studio Shot


Trimble R780

Delivering precision for even the most challenging survey projects.

Trimble R580 Studio Shot


Trimble R580

Trimble ProPoint® GNSS engine ensures reliable accuracy and boosts productivity daily.

Trimble R2 Studio Shot


Trimble R750

For RTK-level precision and enhanced connectivity.

Configuring Trimble RTX

Click below to access a quick step-by-step configuration guide for your Trimble software.

With a fast convergence of under one minute in select regions, CenterPoint RTX delivers RTK-level performance to which surveyors are accustomed. CenterPoint RTX caters to all surveying fieldwork needs, from stakeouts to as-builts, with reliable centimeter-level accuracy.

CenterPoint RTX is not affected by radio or cellular signal interruptions (radio dead spots, unreliable cell coverage, or cellular connection) or unexpected disturbances (RTK-network outage or compromised base). This means CenterPoint RTX correction acts as your positioning insurance in the event of radio or real-time network disruption so you can maintain your accuracy in your local coordinate system indefinitely (or until your primary correction is restored) using xFillx mode.

As both a satellite and Internet-delivered service, CenterPoint RTX is always available no matter where you are. You are not tied to one location as with terrestrial correction sources, and your rover and CenterPoint RTX move with you. No need to worry about the RTK-network footprint, finding a good location for your base station, or the PPM error component when traveling away from the base and increasing your baseline length.

CenterPoint RTX corrects for all available constellations. If you’re using a low-quality local base, or you’re on a third-party real-time network without full constellation support, switching to CenterPoint RTX correction will increase satellite availability.

Rover-only setup with CenterPoint RTX correction enables the use of all receivers as rovers, maximising the efficiency of crews in the field. Read our blog series Real-Time GNSS Corrections: Productivity, Profitability, and Practical Considerations to help you choose the best GNSS correction tool for the job.