Trending towards the Internet of Things
According to the INTERGEO report for 2016 “Geospatial technologies are definitely trending towards the Internet of Things”.
The Internet of Things, or IoT describe how more and more things are connecting to the internet. Things like your fridge, your phone, washing machine and now even your watch. On an enterprise-level, examples include smart meters in the utilities market, and tilt sensors in rail monitoring. All of these devices are producing incredible geospatial data streams. And this data is invaluable because, when analysed, it can provide patterns that enable intelligent decision-making.
Positioning systems such as GNSS and internal measurement units will be part of a broader hierarchy network of sensors, control devices and user interaction. Positioning and visualising technologies, already are a critical component in autonomous vehicles. They rely on GNSS for real-time positioning and accurate, detailed maps to negotiate urban and rural areas.
Plus positioning and visualising technologies will expand into other applications in transport. Freight haulers, for example, can use Internet-connected sensors for position, temperature and other data to track the location and status of perishable cargo.
The applications go further than transport, too. Designers are starting to include smart features into their buildings, like blinds that automatically move to block the sun, and a building that conserves energy by finding a way to heat or cool naturally.
And even out onto the street, solving traffic and congestion issues, as well as parking in cities. Imagine a bridge that will provide you with up-to-date information on its congestion. The IoT is already being tested in the USA to synchronize traffic signals. They are also testing sensors in the roads to provide drivers with up-to-date parking information.
With the IoT growing and expanding into all areas and its solutions becoming expected conveniences, it becomes important for those in all areas to be aware of it and that it almost certainly will impact their work in the future.